Freitag, 15. Juli 2011


Life is good when the sun shines - even my lovely new shower gel knows that simple truth. (With thanks to Vera who made sure I'll always smell adorable!)

Clever shower gel: "Life is good when the sun shines", it says on the bottle.

By that definition the prospects for good life in Tversted are depressing: We have to face rain and 19 degrees for the next four days. I could offer the "Tversted dagenbladed" a story about suffering ice cream and bikini traders. If I can remember some abilities of my former life as a reporter.

Or I could write an essay about the beauty of nature while you galopp along the sea. About wild waves trying to conquer the beach, fog hovering over the dunes, fine spray of water in the air, you hear nothing except the waves and the hooves on the wet ground...

Life can also be good when the sun doesn't shine.

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